Third installment of Twin Flame Wednesday, I wanted to talk about mens unrealistic expectations. Last week, we spoke about women's and this week about mens.
🚫 I apologize in advance, my technology was fighting against me, I wanted to keep to my weekly cadence so I used my phone recording.
🚫 This week I switched it up and asked my audience what they thought were some unrealistic expectations that men had for women.
I had some good input but I chose three. The first topic touched on sex, it was pretty apparent that us as men tend to navigate the sexual topic the wrong way so I wanted to create a dialogue about it. In this episode I reference sexual intercourse as sharing milk and cookies.
🍪 cookie talk
👎🏿 Unrealistic expectation 1; just because we take a woman on a date means that you're privy to her milk and cookies.
👎🏿 Unrealistic expectation 2; Coercing a woman to share her milk in cookies is not the way to go.
👎🏿 Unrealistic expectation 3: Woman shouldn't catch feelings after sharing her milk and cookies.
👎🏿 Unrealistic expectation 4: Men should be the sole providers.
💎 I threw a bonus expectation in there, a controversial one. The question was, if two people share their milk and cookies without protection after an initial meeting and the woman decides to keep the child, does she take away his choice? Check out my video to see what I say! There is not a right or wrong when it comes to these conversations unless theres apparent abuse and/or manipulation. The question is what are you willing to accept into your life? These videos were created to be thought provoking and hopefully giving you a different way to look at circumstances you may find yourself in. Thank you for watching, yours truly, the rawest, truest and coolest author you will ever know!